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Chapter 3
Diagnostic Subfunctions

V Modbus Function 08-Diagnostics

V Diagnostic Codes Supported by Controllers

V Return Query Data

V Restart Communications Option

V Return Diagnostic Register

V Change ASCII Input Delimiter

V Force Listen Only Mode

V Clear Counters and Diagnostic Register

V Return Bus Message Count

V Return Bus Communication Error Count

V Return Bus Exception Error Count

V Return Slave Message Count

V Return Slave No Response Count

V Return Slave NAK Count

V Return Slave Busy Count

V Return Bus Character Overrun Count

V Return IOP Overrun Count (884)

V Clear Overrun Counter and Flag (884)

V Get / Clear Modbus Plus Statistics

V Modbus Plus Network Statistics

3.1 Function 08-Diagnostics

Modbus function 08 provides a series of tests for checking the communication system between the master and slave, or for checking various internal error conditions within the slave. Broadcast is not supported.

The function uses a two-byte subfunction code field in the query to define the type of test to be performed. The slave echoes both the function code and subfunction code in a normal response.

Most of the diagnostic queries use a two-byte data field to send diagnostic data or control information to the slave. Some of the diagnostics cause data to be returned from the slave in the data field of a normal response.

Diagnostic Effects on the Slave

In general, issuing a diagnostic function to a slave device does not affect the running of the user program in the slave. User logic, like discretes and registers, is not accessed by the diagnostics. Certain functions can optionally reset error counters in the slave.

A slave device can, however, be forced into `Listen Only Mode' in which it will monitor the messages on the communications system but not respond to them. This can affect the outcome of your application program it it depends upon any further exchange of data with the slave device. Generally, the mode is forced to remove a malfunctioning slave device from the communications system.

How This Information is Organized in Your Guide

An example diagnostics query and response are shown on the opposite page. These show the location of the function code, subfunction code, and data field within the messages.

A list of subfunction codes supported by the controllers is shown on the pages after the example response. Each subfunction code is then listed with an example of the data field contents that would apply for that diagnostic.


Here is an example of a request to slave device 17 to Return Query Data. This uses a subfunction code of zero (00 00 hex in the two-byte field). The data to be returned is sent in the two-byte data field (A5 37 hex).


The normal response to the Return Query Data request is to loopback the same data. The function code and subfunction code are also echoed.

The data fields in responses to other kinds of queries could contain error counts or other information requested by the subfunction code.

3.2 Diagnostic Codes Supported by Controllers

Subfunction codes are listed in decimal; Y indicates that the subfunction is supported, and N indicates that it is not supported.

3.2.1 00 Return Query Data

The data passed in the query data field is to be returned (looped back) in the response. The entire response message should be identical to the query.

3.2.2 01 Restart Communications Option

The slave's peripheral port is to be initialized and restarted, and all of its communications event counters are to be cleared. If the port is currently in Listen Only Mode, no response is returned. This function is the only one that brings the port out of Listen Only Mode. If the port is not currently in Listen Only Mode, a normal response is returned. This occurs before the restart is executed.

When the slave receives the query, it attempts a restart and executes its power-up confidence tests. Successful completion of the tests will bring the port online.

A query data field contents of FF 00 hex causes the port's Communications Event Log to be cleared also. Contents of 00 00 leave the log as it was prior to the restart.

3.2.3 02 Return Diagnostic Register

The contents of the slave's 16-bit diagnostic register are returned in the response.

3.2.4 How the Register Data is Organized

The assignment of diagnostic register bits for Modicon controllers is listed below. In each register, bit 15 is the high-order bit. The description is TRUE when the corresponding bit is set to logic 1.

3.2.5 03 Change ASCII Input Delimiter

The character CHAR passed in the query data field becomes the end of message delimiter for future messages (replacing the default LF character). This function is useful in cases where a Line Feed is not wanted at the end of ASCII messages.

3.2.6 04 Force Listen Only Mode

Forces the addressed slave to its Listen Only Mode for Modbus communications. This isolates it from the other devices on the network, allowing them to continue communicating without interruption from the addressed slave. No response is returned.

When the slave enters its Listen Only Mode, all active communication controls are turned off. The Ready watchdog timer is allowed to expire, locking the controls off. While in this mode, any Modbus messages addressed to the slave or broadcast are monitored, but no actions will be taken and no responses will be sent.

The only function that will be processed after the mode is entered will be the Restart Communications Option function (function code 8, subfunction 1).

3.2.7 10 (0A Hex) Clear Counters and Diagnostic Register

For controllers other than the 584 or 984, clears all counters and the diagnostic register. For the 584 or 984, clears the counters only. Counters are also cleared upon power-up.

3.2.8 11 (0B Hex) Return Bus Message Count

The response data field returns the quantity of messages that the slave has detected on the communications system since its last restart, clear counters operation, or power-up.

3.2.9 12 (0C Hex) Return Bus Communication Error Count

The response data field returns the quantity of CRC errors encountered by the slave since its last restart, clear counters operation, or power-up.

3.2.10 13 (0D Hex) Return Bus Exception Error Count

The response data field returns the quantity of Modbus exception responses returned by the slave since its last restart, clear counters operation, or power-up. For a description of exception responses, see page .

3.2.11 14 (0E Hex) Return Slave Message Count

The response data field returns the quantity of messages addressed to the slave, or broadcast, that the slave has processed since its last restart, clear counters operation, or power-up.

3.2.12 15 (0F Hex) Return Slave No Response Count

The response data field returns the quantity of messages addressed to the slave for which it returned no response (neither a normal response nor an exception response), since its last restart, clear counters operation, or power-up.

3.2.13 16 (10 Hex) Return Slave NAK Count

The response data field returns the quantity of messages addressed to the slave for which it returned a Negative Acknowledge (NAK) exception response, since its last restart, clear counters operation, or power-up. For a description of exception responses, see page .

3.2.14 17 (11 Hex) Return Slave Busy Count

The response data field returns the quantity of messages addressed to the slave for which it returned a Slave Device Busy exception response, since its last restart, clear counters operation, or power-up. For a description of exception responses, see page .

3.2.15 18 (12 Hex) Return Bus Character Overrun Count

The response data field returns the quantity of messages addressed to the slave that it could not handle due to a character overrun condition, since its last restart, clear counters operation, or power-up. A character overrun is caused by data characters arriving at the port faster than they can be stored, or by the loss of a character due to a hardware malfunction.

3.2.16 19 (13 Hex) Return IOP Overrun Count (884)

The response data field returns the quantity of messages addressed to the slave that it could not handle due to an 884 IOP overrun condition, since its last restart, clear counters operation, or power-up. An IOP overrun is caused by data characters arriving at the port faster than they can be stored, or by the loss of a character due to a hardware malfunction.

Note: This function is specific to the 884.

3.2.17 20 (14 Hex) Clear Overrun Counter and Flag (884)

Clears the 884 overrun error counter and resets the error flag. The current state of the flag is found in bit 0 of the 884 diagnostic register (see subfunction 02).

Note: This function is specific to the 884.

3.2.18 21 (15 Hex) Get / Clear Modbus Plus Statistics

Returns a series of 54 16-bit words (108 bytes) in the data field of the response (this function differs from the usual two-byte length of the data field). The data contains the statistics for the Modbus Plus peer processor in the slave device.

In addition to the Function code (08) and Subfunction code (00 15 hex) in the query, a two-byte Operation field is used to specify either a Get Statistics or a Clear Statistics operation. The two operations are exclusive-the Get operation cannot clear the statistics, and the Clear operation cannot return statistics prior to clearing them. Statistics are also cleared on power-up of the slave device.

The operation field immediately follows the subfunction field in the query:

V -- A value of 00 03 specifies the Get Statistics operation.

V -- A value of 00 04 specifies the Clear Statistics operation.


This is the field sequence in the query:

Get Statistics Response

This is the field sequence in the normal response to a Get Statistics query:

Clear Statistics Response

The normal response to a Clear Statistics query is an echo of the query:

3.2.19 Modbus Plus Network Statistics

Note: Word 07 bitmaps are used internally by the peer processor to determine which paths have already had a command sent to them during the current token ownership. This limits the number of commands per path to one during a single token ownership.

Note: Words 08 ... 12 are token owner work tables. They are bitmaps representing work that needs to be done by the node the next time it gets the token. Each byte is a bitmap corresponding to work requested of each of the eight paths of the indicated type.

Note: Words 13 ... 22 contain pairs of 8-bit counters that pertain to certain types of error conditions as well as to successful transactions. Under normal operating conditions, the only bytes that change are word 20 LO and HI. Word 14 HI could also increment because of an MSTR or similar programming error in the application. If any other bytes increments, a possible problem exists on the network-e.g., in a single station or wiring connection.

Note: Words 23 ... 26 contain the active station bitmaps. An active station is any one that has sent packets of data over the network.

Note: Words 27 ... 30 contain the token station table bitmaps. A token station is any one that has token-passing capabilities.

Note: Words 31 ... 34 contain the global data present table bitmaps. Each time a station passes a token, it also passes the global data, even if there are zero bytes of global data. When one station sees another pass the token with global data, it sets its bit in its table for that other station. The bit remains set until the station reads the global data from that other station, after which the bit is cleared. A second read of global data indicates that no global data is present.

Note: In screen 2 of the MBPSTAT program, the number of global data words present is indicated under the station number. If this field is filled with spaces, then MBPSTAT has requested the global data from a second time before the other station passed the token.

Note: The LO bytes of words 35 ... 37 indicate the use of the internal receive buffers within the peer processor.




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