Chapter 2
Data and Control Functions
Modbus Function Formats
Function Codes
Read Coil Status
Read Input Status
Read Holding Registers
Read Input Registers
Force Single Coil
Preset Single Register
Read Exception Status
Fetch Comm Event Counter
Fetch Comm Event Log
Force Multiple Coils
Preset Multiple Registers
Report Slave ID
Read General Reference
Write General Reference
Mask Write 4x Register
Read / Write 4x Registers
Read FIFO Queue
2.1 Modbus Function Formats

Note: Unless specified otherwise, numerical values (such as
addresses, codes, or data) are expressed as decimal values in the
text of this section. They are expressed as hexadecimal values in
the message fields of the figures.
2.1.1 Data Addresses in Modbus Messages
All data addresses in Modbus messages are referenced to zero.
The first occurrence of a data item is addressed as item number
zero. For example:
V Coil 1 in a programmable controller is addressed as coil 0000
in the data address field of a Modbus message
V Coil 127 decimal is addressed as coil 007E hex (126 decimal)
V Holding register 40001 is addressed as register 0000 in the
data address field of the message. The function code field
already specifies a holding register operation. Therefore the 4x
reference is implicit.
V Holding register 40108 is addressed as register 006B hex (107
2.1.2 Field Contents in Modbus Messages
The following tables show examples of a Modbus query and
normal response. Both examples show the field contents in
hexadecimal, and also show how a message could be framed in
ASCII or in RTU mode.


The master query is a Read Holding Registers request to slave
device address 06. The message requests data from three holding
registers, 40108 ... 40110.

Note: The message specifies the starting register address as
0107 (006B hex).
The slave response echoes the function code, indicating this is a
normal response. The Byte Count field specifies how many
eight-bit data items are being returned. It shows the count of
eight-bit bytes to follow in the data, for either ASCII or RTU.
With ASCII, this value is half the actual count of ASCII
characters in the data. In ASCII, each four-bit hexadecimal value
requires one ASCII character, therefore two ASCII characters
must follow in the message to contain each eight-bit data item.
For example, the value 63 hex is sent as one eight-bit byte in RTU
mode (01100011). The same value sent in ASCII mode requires
two bytes, for ASCII 6 (0110110) and 3 (0110011). The Byte Count
field counts this data as one eight-bit item, regardless of the
character framing method (ASCII or RTU).
How to Use the Byte Count Field
When you construct responses in buffers, use a Byte Count value
that equals the count of eight-bit bytes in your message data. The
value is exclusive of all other field contents, including the Byte
Count field.
2.1.3 Field Contents on Modbus Plus
Modbus messages sent on Modbus Plus networks are imbedded
into the Logical Link Control (LLC) level frame. Modbus message
fields consist of eight-bit bytes, similar to those used with RTU
The Slave Address field is converted to a Modbus Plus routing
path by the sending device. The CRC field is not sent in the
Modbus message, because it would be redundant to the CRC
check performed at the High-level Data Link Control (HDLC)
The rest of the message remains as in the standard serial format.
The application software (e.g., MSTR blocks in controllers, or
Modcom III in hosts) handles the framing of the message into a
network packet.
Figure 7 shows how a Read Holding Registers query would be
imbedded into a frame for Modbus Plus transmission.

Figure 7 Field Contents on Modbus Plus
2.2 Function Codes
The listing below shows the function codes supported by Modicon
controllers. Codes are listed in decimal; Y indicates that the
function is supported, and N indicates that it is not supported.

2.2.1 01 Read Coil Status
Reads the ON / OFF status of discrete outputs (0x references, coils)
in the slave. Broadcast is not supported. The maximum
parameters supported by various controller models are listed on
page .
The query message specifies the starting coil and quantity of coils
to be read. Coils are addressed starting at zero-coils 1 ... 16 are
addressed as 0 ... 15.
Here is an example of a query to read coils 20 ... 56 from slave
device 17:

The coil status in the response message is packed as one coil per
bit of the data field. Status is indicated as: 1 = ON; 0 = OFF. The
LSB of the first data byte contains the coil addressed in the query.
The other coils follow toward the high order end of this byte, and
from low order to high order in subsequent bytes.
If the returned coil quantity is not a multiple of eight, the
remaining bits in the final data byte will be padded with zeros
(toward the high order end of the byte). The Byte Count field
specifies the quantity of complete bytes of data.
Here is an example of a response to the query:

The status of coils 27 ... 20 is shown as the byte value CD hex, or
binary 1100 1101. Coil 27 is the MSB of this byte, and coil 20 is
the LSB. Left to right, the status of coils 27 ... 20 is
By convention, bits within a byte are shown with the MSB to the
left, and the LSB to the right. Thus the coils in the first byte are
27 ... 20, from left to right. The next byte has coils 35 ... 28, left to
right. As the bits are transmitted serially, they flow from LSB to
MSB: 20 . . . 27, 28 . . . 35, and so on.
In the last data byte, the status of coils 56 ... 52 is shown as the
byte value 1B hex, or binary 0001 1011. Coil 56 is in the fourth bit
position from the left, and coil 52 is the LSB of this byte. The
status of coils 56 ... 52 is: ON-ON-OFF-ON-ON.

Note: The three remaining bits (toward the high-order end) are
2.2.2 02 Read Input Status
Reads the ON / OFF status of discrete inputs (1x references) in the
slave. Broadcast is not supported. The maximum parameters
supported by various controller models are listed on page
The query message specifies the starting input and quantity of
inputs to be read. Inputs are addressed starting at zero-inputs
1 ... 16 are addressed as 0 ... 15.
Here is an example of a request to read inputs 10197 ... 10218
from slave device 17:

The input status in the response message is packed as one input
per bit of the data field. Status is indicated as: 1 = ON; 0 = OFF.
The LSB of the first data byte contains the input addressed in the
query. The other inputs follow toward the high order end of this
byte, and from low order to high order in subsequent bytes.
If the returned input quantity is not a multiple of eight, the
remaining bits in the final data byte will be padded with zeros
(toward the high order end of the byte). The Byte Count field
specifies the quantity of complete bytes of data.
Here is an example of a response to the query:

The status of inputs 10204 ... 10197 is shown as the byte value AC
hex, or binary 1010 1100. Input 10204 is the MSB of this byte,
and input 10197 is the LSB. Left to right, the status of inputs
10204 ... 10197 is ON-OFF-ON-OFF-ON-ON-OFF-OFF.
The status of inputs 10218 ... 10213 is shown as the byte value 35
hex, or binary 0011 0101. Input 10218 is in the third bit position
from the left, and input 10213 is the LSB. The status of inputs
10218 ... 10213 is: ON-ON-OFF-ON-OFF-ON.

Note: The two remaining bits (toward the high order end) are
2.2.3 03 Read Holding Registers
Reads the binary contents of holding registers (4x references) in
the slave. Broadcast is not supported. The maximum parameters
supported by various controller models are listed on page
The query message specifies the starting register and quantity of
registers to be read. Registers are addressed starting at zero-
registers 1 ... 16 are addressed as 0 ... 15.
Here is an example of a request to read registers 40108 ... 40110
from slave device 17:

The register data in the response message are packed as two
bytes per register, with the binary contents right justified within
each byte. For each register, the first byte contains the high order
bits and the second contains the low order bits.
Data is scanned in the slave at the rate of 125 registers per scan
for 984-X8X controllers (984-685, etc), and at the rate of 32
registers per scan for all other controllers. The response is
returned when the data is completely assembled.
Here is an example of a response to the query:

The contents of register 40108 are shown as the two byte values of
02 2B hex, or 555 decimal. The contents of registers
40109 ... 40110 are 00 00 and 00 64 hex, or 0 and 100 decimal.
2.2.4 04 Read Input Registers
Reads the binary contents of input registers (3X references) in the
slave. Broadcast is not supported. The maximum parameters
supported by various controller models are listed on page
The query message specifies the starting register and quantity of
registers to be read. Registers are addressed starting at zero-
registers 1 ... 16 are addressed as 0 ... 15.
Here is an example of a request to read register 30009 from slave
device 17:

The register data in the response message are packed as two
bytes per register, with the binary contents right justified within
each byte. For each register, the first byte contains the high-order
bits and the second contains the low-order bits.
Data is scanned in the slave at the rate of 125 registers per scan
for 984-X8X controllers (984-685, etc), and at the rate of 32
registers per scan for all other controllers. The response is
returned when the data is completely assembled.
Here is an example of a response to the query on the opposite

The contents of register 30009 are shown as the two byte values of
00 0A hex, or 10 decimal.
2.2.5 05 Force Single Coil
Forces a single coil (0x reference) to either ON or OFF. When
broadcast, the function forces the same coil reference in all
attached slaves. The maximum parameters supported by various
controller models are listed on page .

Note: The function will override the controller's memory
protect state and the coil's disable state. The forced state will
remain valid until the controller's logic next solves the coil. The
coil will remain forced if it is not programmed in the controller's
The query message specifies the coil reference to be forced. Coils
are addressed starting at zero-coil 1 is addressed as 0.
The reguested ON / OFF state is specified by a constant in the
query data field. A value of FF 00 hex requests the coil to be ON.
A value of 00 00 requests it to be OFF. All other values are illegal
and will not affect the coil.
Here is an example of a request to force coil 173 ON in slave
device 17:

The normal response is an echo of the query, returned after the
coil state has been forced.
Here is an example of a response to the query:

2.2.6 06 Preset Single Register
Presets a value into a single holding register (4x reference). When
broadcast, the function presets the same register reference in all
attached slaves. The maximum parameters supported by various
controller models are listed on page .

Note: The function will override the controller's memory
protect state. The preset value will remain valid in the register
until the controller's logic next solves the register contents. The
register's value will remain if it is not programmed in the
controller's logic.
The query message specifies the register reference to be preset.
Registers are addressed starting at zero-register 1 is addressed
as 0.
The reguested preset value is specified in the query data field.
M84 and 484 controllers use a 10-bit binary value, with the six
high order bits set to zeros. All other controllers use 16-bit values.
Here is an example of a request to preset register 40002 to 00 03
hex in slave device 17:

The normal response is an echo of the query, returned after the
register contents have been preset.
Here is an example of a response to the query:

2.2.7 07 Read Exception Status
Reads the contents of eight Exception Status coils within the
slave controller. Certain coils have predefined assignments in the
various controllers. Other coils can be programmed by the user to
hold information about the contoller's status-e.g., machine
ON/OFF, heads retracted, safeties satisfied, error
conditions exist, or other user-defined flags. Broadcast is not
The function provides a simple method for accessing this
information, because the Exception Coil references are known (no
coil reference is needed in the function). The predefined Exception
Coil assignments are:

Here is an example of a request to read the exception status in
slave device 17:

The normal response contains the status of the eight Exception
Status coils. The coils are packed into one data byte, with one bit
per coil. The status of the lowest coil reference is contained in the
least significant bit of the byte.
Here is an example of a response to the query:

In this example, the coil data is 6D hex (0110 1101 binary). Left to
right, the coils are OFF-ON-ON-OFF-ON-ON-OFF-ON. The
status is shown from the highest to the lowest addressed coil.
If the controller is a 984, these bits are the status of coils 8 ... 1. If
the controller is a 484, these bits are the status of coils 264 ... 257.
In this example, coil 257 is ON, indicating that the controller's
batteries are OK.
2.2.8 11 (0B Hex) Fetch Comm Event Counter
Returns a status word and an event count from the slave's
communications event counter. By fetching the current count
before and after a series of messages, a master can determine
whether the messages were handled normally by the slave.
Broadcast is not supported.
The controller's event counter is incremented once for each
successful message completion. It is not incremented for exception
responses, poll commands, or fetch event counter commands.
The event counter can be reset by means of the Diagnostics
function (code 08), with a subfunction of Restart Communications
Option (code 00 01) or Clear Counters and Diagnostic Register
(code 00 0A).
Here is an example of a request to fetch the communications
event counter in slave device 17:

The normal response contains a two-byte status word, and a
two-byte event count. The status word will be all ones (FF FF hex)
if a previously issued program command is still being processed
by the slave (a busy condition exists). Otherwise, the status word
will be all zeros.
Here is an example of a response to the query:

In this example, the status word is FF FF hex, indicating that a
program function is still in progress in the slave. The event count
shows that 264 (01 08 hex) events have been counted by the
2.2.9 12 (0C Hex) Fetch Comm Event Log
Returns a status word, event count, message count, and a field of
event bytes from the slave. Broadcast is not supported. The status
word and event count are identical to that returned by the Fetch
Communications Event Counter function (11, 0B hex).
The message counter contains the quantity of messages processed
by the slave since its last restart, clear counters operation, or
power-up. This count is identical to that returned by the
Diagnostic function (code 08), subfunction Return Bus Message
Count (code 11, 0B hex).
The event bytes field contains 0 ... 64 bytes, with each byte
corresponding to the status of one Modbus send or receive
operation for the slave. The events are entered by the slave into
the field in chronological order. Byte 0 is the most recent event.
Each new byte flushes the oldest byte from the field.
Here is an example of a request to fetch the communications
event log in slave device 17:

The normal response contains a two-byte status word field, a
two-byte event count field, a two-byte message count field, and a
field containing 0 ... 64 bytes of events. A byte-count field defines
the total length of the data in these four fields.
Here is an example of a response to the query:

In this example, the status word is 00 00 hex, indicating that the
slave is not processing a program function. The event count shows
that 264 (01 08 hex) events have been counted by the slave. The
message count shows that 289 (01 21 hex) messages have been
The most recent communications event is shown in the Event 0
byte. Its contents (20 hex) show that the slave has most recently
entered the Listen Only Mode.
The previous event is shown in the Event 1 byte. Its contents (00
hex) show that the slave received a Communications Restart.
What the Event Bytes Contain
An event byte returned by the Fetch Communications Event Log
function can be any one of four types. The type is defined by bit 7
(the high-order bit) in each byte. It may be further defined by bit
Slave Modbus Receive Event
This type of event byte is stored by the slave when a query
message is received. It is stored before the slave processes the
message. This event is defined by bit 7 set to a logic 1. The other
bits will be set to a logic 1 if the corresponding condition is TRUE.
The bit layout is:

Slave Modbus Send Event
This type of event byte is stored by the slave when it finishes
processing a query message. It is stored if the slave returned a
normal or exception response, or no response. This event is
defined by bit 7 set to a logic 0, with bit 6 set to a 1. The other bits
will be set to a logic 1 if the corresponding condition is TRUE. The
bit layout is:

Slave Entered Listen Only Mode
This type of event byte is stored by the slave when it enters the
Listen Only Mode. The event is defined by a contents of 04 hex.
The bit layout is:

Slave Initiated Communication Restart
This type of event byte is stored by the slave when its
communications port is restarted. The slave can be restarted by
the Diagnostics function (code 08), with subfunction Restart
Communications Option (code 00 01).
That function also places the slave into a Continue on Error or
Stop on Error mode. If the slave is placed into Continue on Error
mode, the event byte is added to the existing event log. If the
slave is placed into Stop on Error mode, the byte is added to the
log and the rest of the log is cleared to zeros. The event is defined
by a contents of zero. The bit layout is:

2.2.10 15 (0F Hex) Force Multiple Coils
Forces each coil (0x reference) in a sequence of coils to either ON
or OFF. When broadcast, the function forces the same coil
references in all attached slaves. The maximum parameters
supported by various controller models are listed on page

Note: The function will override the controller's memory
protect state and a coil's disable state. The forced state will
remain valid until the controller's logic next solves each coil.
Coils will remain forced if they are not programmed in the
controller's logic.
The query message specifies the coil references to be forced. Coils
are addressed starting at zero-coil 1 is addressed as 0.
The reguested ON / OFF states are specified by contents of the
query data field. A logical 1 in a bit position of the field requests
the corresponding coil to be ON. A logical 0 requests it to be OFF.
The following page shows an example of a request to force a series
of ten coils starting at coil 20 (addressed as 19, or 13 hex) in slave
device 17.
The query data contents are two bytes: CD 01 hex (1100 1101
0000 0001 binary). The binary bits correspond to the coils in the
following way:
Bit: 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Coil: 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 - - - - - - 29 28
The first byte transmitted (CD hex) addresses coils 27 ... 20, with
the least significant bit addressing the lowest coil (20) in this set.
The next byte transmitted (01 hex) addresses coils 29 and 28, with
the least significant bit addressing the lowest coil (28) in this set.
Unused bits in the last data byte should be zero-filled.

The normal response returns the slave address, function code,
starting address, and quantity of coils forced. Here is an example
of a response to the query shown above:

2.2.11 16 (10 Hex) Preset Multiple Registers
Presets values into a sequence of holding registers (4x references).
When broadcast, the function presets the same register references
in all attached slaves. The maximum parameters supported by
various controller models are listed on page .

Note: The function will override the controller's memory
protect state. The preset values will remain valid in the registers
until the controller's logic next solves the register contents. The
register values will remain if they are not programmed in the
controller's logic.
The query message specifies the register references to be preset.
Registers are addressed starting at zero-register 1 is addressed as
The requested preset values are specified in the query data field.
M84 and 484 controllers use a 10-bit binary value, with the six
high order bits set to zeros. All other controllers use 16-bit values.
Data is packed as two bytes per register.
Here is an example of a request to preset two registers starting at
40002 to 00 0A and 01 02 hex, in slave device 17:

The normal response returns the slave address, function code,
starting address, and quantity of registers preset. Here is an
example of a response to the query shown above.

2.2.12 17 (11 Hex) Report Slave ID
Returns a description of the type of controller present at the slave
address, the current status of the slave Run indicator, and other
information specific to the slave device. Broadcast is not
Here is an example of a request to report the ID and status of
slave device 17:

The format of a normal response is shown below. The data
contents are specific to each controller type.

Summary of Slave IDs
These are the Slave ID codes returned by Modicon controllers in
the first byte of the data field:

184 / 384
The 184 or 384 controller returns a byte count of either 4 or 74
(4A hexadecimal). If the controller's J347 Modbus Slave Interface
is setup properly, and its internal PIB table is normal, the byte
count will be 74. Otherwise the byte count will be 4. The four
bytes that are always returned are:

Bytes 5 ... 10, returned for a correct J347 setup and normal PIB,

Bytes 11 ... 74 contain the PIB table. This data is valid only if the
controller is running (as shown in Byte 2). The table is as follows:

The 584 controller returns a byte count of 9, as follows:

The 984 controller returns a byte count of 9, as follows:

Note: Bit 0 of the Machine State word defines the use of the
memory downsize values in words 99, 100, and 175 (63, 64, and
AF hexadecimal) of the configuration table. If bit 0 = logic 1,
downsizing is calculated as follows:
Page 0 size (16-bit words) = (Word 99 * 4096) - (Word 175 lo byte * 16)
State table size (16-bit words) = (Word 100 * 1024) - (Word 175 hi byte * 16)

Micro 84
The Micro 84 controller returns a byte count of 8, as follows:

The 484 controller returns a byte count of 5, as follows:

The 884 controller returns a byte count of 8, as follows:

2.2.13 20 (14 Hex) Read General Reference
Returns the contents of registers in Extended Memory file (6x)
references. Broadcast is not supported. The function can read
multiple groups of references. The groups can be separate
(noncontiguous), but the references within each group must be
The query contains the standard Modbus slave address, function
code, byte count, and error check fields. The rest of the query
specifies the group or groups of references to be read. Each group
is defined in a separate sub-request field which contains seven
V The reference type-one byte (must be specified as 6)
V The Extended Memory file number-two bytes (1 ... 10,
0001 ... 000A hex)
V The starting register address within the file-two bytes
V The quantity of registers to be read-two bytes
The quantity of registers to be read, combined with all other fields
in the expected response, must not exceed the allowable length of
Modbus messages-256 bytes.
The available quantity of Extended Memory files depends upon
the installed size of Extended Memory in the slave controller.
Each file except the last one contains 10,000 registers, addressed
as 0000 ... 270F hexadecimal (0000 - ... 9999 decimal).
For controllers other than the 984-785 with Extended Registers,
the last (highest) register in the last file is:

For the 984-785 with Extended Registers, the last (highest)
register in the last file is shown in the two tables below.

Examples of a query and response follow. An example of a request
to read two groups of references from slave device 17 is shown.
Group 1 consists of two registers from file 4, starting at register 2
(address 0001). Group 2 consists of two registers from file 3,
starting at register 10 (address 0009).

The normal response is a series of sub-responses, one for each
sub-request. The byte count field is the total combined count of
bytes in all sub-responses. In addition, each sub-response contains
a field that shows its own byte count.

2.2.14 21 (15 Hex) Write General Reference
Writes the contents of registers in Extended Memory file (6x)
references. Broadcast is not supported.
The function can write multiple groups of references. The groups
can be separate (noncontiguous), but the references within each
group must be sequential.
The query contains the standard Modbus slave address, function
code, byte count, and error check fields. The rest of the query
specifies the group or groups of references to be written, and the
data to be written into them. Each group is defined in a separate
sub-request field which contains seven bytes plus the data:
V The reference type-one byte (must be specified as 6)
V The Extended Memory file number-two bytes (1 ... 10,
0001 ... 000A hex)
V The starting register address within the file-two bytes
V The quantity of registers to be written-two bytes
V The data to be written-two bytes/register
The quantity of registers to be written, combined with all other
fields in the query, must not exceed the allowable length of
Modbus messages-256 bytes.
The available quantity of Extended Memory files depends upon
the installed size of Extended Memory in the slave controller.
Each file except the last one contains 10,000 registers, addressed
as 0000 ... 270F hexadecimal (0000 - ... 9999 decimal).
For controllers other than the 984-785 with Extended Registers,
the last (highest) register in the last file is:

For the 984-785 with Extended Registers, the last (highest)
register in the last file is shown in the two tables below.

Examples of a query and response follow. An example of a request
to write one group of references into slave device 17 is shown. The
group consists of three registers in file 4, starting at register 8
(address 0007).

The normal response is an echo of the query.

2.2.15 22 (16 Hex) Mask Write 4x Register
Modifies the contents of a specified 4x register using a
combination of an AND mask, an OR mask, and the register's
current contents. The function can be used to set or clear
individual bits in the register. Broadcast is not supported.

Note: This function is supported in the 984-785 controller only.
The query specifies the 4x reference to be written, the data to be
used as the AND mask, and the data to be used as the OR mask.
The function's algorithm is:
Result = (Current Contents AND And_Mask) OR (Or_Mask AND And_Mask
For example,

Note: If the Or_Mask value is zero, the result is simply the
logical ANDing of the current contents and And_Mask. If the
And_Mask value is zero, the result is equal to the Or_Mask

Note: The contents of the register can be read with the Read
Holding Registers function (function code 03). They could,
however, be changed subsequently as the controller scans its
user logic program.
Here is an example of a Mask Write to register 5 in slave device
17, using the above mask values:

The normal response is an echo of the query. The response is
returned after the register has been written.

2.2.16 23 (17 Hex) Read / Write 4x Registers
Performs a combination of one read and one write operation in a
single Modbus transaction. The function can write new contents
to a group of 4x registers, and then return the contents of another
group of 4x registers. Broadcast is not supported.

Note: This function is supported in the 984-785 controller only.
The query specifies the starting address and quantity of registers
of the group to be read. It also specifies the starting address,
quantity of registers, and data for the group to be written. The
byte count field specifies the quantity of bytes to follow in the
write data field.
Here is an example of a query to read six registers starting at
register 5, and to write three registers starting at register 16, in
slave device 17:

The normal response contains the data from the group of registers
that were read. The byte count field specifies the quantity of bytes
to follow in the read data field.
Here is an example of a response to the query:

2.2.17 24 (18 Hex) Read FIFO Queue
Reads the contents of a first-in first-out (FIFO) queue of 4x
registers. The function returns a count of the registers in the
queue, followed by the queued data. Up to 32 registers can be
read-the count, plus up to 31 queued data registers. The queue
count register is returned first, followed by the queued data
The function reads the queue contents, but does not clear them.
Broadcast is not supported.

Note: This function is supported in the 984-785 controller only.
The query specifies the starting 4x reference to be read from the
FIFO queue. This is the address of the pointer register used with
the controller's FIN and FOUT function blocks. It contains the
count of registers currently contained in the queue. The FIFO
data registers follow this address sequentially.
An example of a Read FIFO Queue query to slave device 17 is
shown below. The query is to read the queue starting at the
pointer register 41247 (04DE hex).

In a normal response, the byte count shows the quantity of bytes
to follow, including the queue count bytes and data register bytes
(but not including the error check field).
The queue count is the quantity of data registers in the queue (not
including the count register).
If the queue count exceeds 31, an exception response is returned
with an error code of 03 (Illegal Data Value).
Here is an example of a normal response to the previous query:

In this example, the FIFO pointer register (41247 in the query) is
returned with a queue count of 3. The three data registers follow
the queue count. These are:
V 41248 (contents 440 decimal, 01B8 hex)
V 41249 (contents 4740, 1284 hex)
V 41250 (contents 4898, 1322 hex)